Picture of Lene Adler Petersen action
From the action 'The Female Christ' (1969)

Photo: Lene Adler Petersen

Invitation: Opening of the photo exhibition Lene Adler Petersen – Space and Things

Free admission! Join us for a very special afternoon when we open the exhibition Space and Things with Lene Adler Petersen, one of Denmark's most prominent feminist artists.


  • Welcome by Royal Danish Library's Deputy Director for Cultural Heritage Søren Bitsch Christensen
  • Introduction by curator Charlotte Præstegaard Schwartz
  • Light refreshments in the Atrium
  • Visit the exhibition

Lene Adler has been one of the most prominent figures in Danish contemporary art and women's movement since the late 1960s.

The exhibition Space and Things offers an unprecedented look into Adler Petersen's impressive oeuvre and delves into her groundbreaking career from the late 1960s onwards. Focusing on her experimental work with photography, film and text, the exhibition highlights key works such as Dagbog fra mørkekammeret på Eks-Skolens Trykkeri (1974), Opsatser (1976) and the iconic collaboration with Bjørn Nørgaard, Den kvindelige Kristus (1969), where she walked naked and with a cross in her hand through the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. A feminist action that still stands as one of the most significant in Danish art history.

The exhibition marks Adler Petersen's unique role in Danish art and women's movement and brings together a large selection of works from her long career.

Read more about the exhibition

The exhibition is supported by Det Obelske Familiefond  and Danish Arts Foundation.

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