Billede af musicalreklamer

Photo: Det Kgl. Bibliotek

Fremtidens musical

Hør om fremtidens musical med vigtige stemmer fra både New York og København – helt gratis!

Good news

We’re working on an English version of the content you’re supposed to find here.

But we’re not quite done yet, so we hope you’ll be back again in a while.

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Billede af Adam Rudolph
Music events

Winter Jazz: Adam Rudolph I

Every winter there is Winter Jazz in The Black Diamond, where in collaboration with the Copenhagen Jazz Festival we present exciting and special jazz concerts in the Queen's Hall.

The Queen's Hall 
Billede af Adam Rudolph
Music events

Winter Jazz: Adam Rudolph II

Every winter there is Winter Jazz in The Diamond, where in collaboration with the Copenhagen Jazz Festival we present exciting and special jazz concerts in the Queen's Hall.

The Queen's Hall