Picture of Emma Holten and Bodil Skovgaard Nielsen
Emma Holten besøger Den Sorte Diamant.

Photo: Claudia Vega/Sarah Hartvigsen Juncker

Emma Holten og Bodil Skovgaard Nielsen om underskud og omsorgsarbejde

Hvordan værdisætter vores samfund mennesker og omsorgsarbejde i dag? Det er afsæt for aftenens samtale, når Emma Holten er på scenen til arrangement eksklusivt for medlemmer af Students Only!

Good news

We’re working on an English version of the content you’re supposed to find here.

But we’re not quite done yet, so we hope you’ll be back again in a while.

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Portrætfoto af Edouard Louis
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Talk events

International Authors' Stage: Édouard Louis (FR)

Édouard Louis has written himself to the top in record time with political indignation and class portrayal. His works are available in Danish, "Monique flygter" (2024) and "Voldens historie" (2016).

The Queen's Hall 
Portrætfoto af Jenny Erpenbeck
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Talk events

International Writers Scene: Jenny Erpenbeck (DE)

Experience award-winning author Jenny Erpenbeck for a conversation about power and love during the final collapse of the GDR regime.

The Queen's Hall