Music Festival Days in The Black Diamond – Ticket for both events
Come along to a sumptuous music festival and get a wealth of musical experiences over two days in The Black Diamond. Buy a ticket for both events and find answers to all your practical questions.
Music Festival Days in The Black Diamond is a smorgasbord of classical concerts throughout The Black Diamond. Experience 35 concerts on seven stages for the first edition of the new two-day festival.
Get a wealth of musical experiences when The Black Diamond is filled with music – from gala concerts in the Queen's Hall to pop-up concerts on the Kirkeby Bridge to intimate solo concerts in the big house's secret nooks and crannies.
At Music Festival Days you can experience a number of international world names as well as Denmark's renowned ensembles and young talents. Together, they will unfold the diversity of classical music in The Black Diamond and the old library building over two days in a cornucopia of very special musical experiences.
Experience among others
The artists include both well-established Danish and international ensembles such as Tessa Lark (US), Matthias Loibner (AUS), Nataša Mirković (SLO), Aleksandra Dzenisenia (BY/ FR), Trio con Brio Copenhagen and Fauré Kvartetten (DE), as well as musicians from Denmark's large pool of talent. In addition, there will also be room for features from other areas of culture, such as the actor Søren Sætter-Lassen from the Royal Theatre and work introductions by music mediator Mathias Hammer.

Music Festival Days in The Black Diamond – Friday
See the Friday programme for Music Days in The Black Diamond.

Music Festival Days in The Black Diamond – Saturday
See Saturday's programme for Music Festival Days in The Black Diamond.
Food and drink for every taste
The Diamond's café dishes out a large selection for both lunch, dinner, the little hunger and all kinds of thirst - from morning coffee to wine. The cafe's menu is coming soon - but we already know that it will reflect the beautiful early summer and offer something for every taste. The cafe takes common allergies and dietary requirements into account.
Practical information
Get answers to all your practical questions regarding Music Festival Days in The Diamond.
Opening hours
Friday 31 May at 5 p.m - 10 p.m
Saturday 1 June at 11 a.m - 10 p.m
Ticket sales
You can either buy one-day tickets for Friday or Saturday, or a partout ticket, which gives access on both days. The tickets can be bought at from 15 March 2024.
Your ticket must be exchanged for a wristband when you arrive at The Black Diamond. You do this just inside the main entrance, where there will be an employee ready to receive you.
Arrive in good time for the concerts
Your wristband gives access to all the concerts in the programme on the day in question. But the capacity at the various locations in the library is varied. Therefore, access is on a first-come, first-served basis. In most places there can be a maximum of 90 people at a time, so come early if you want to secure a place!
There are wardrobes on the ground floor to the left of the main entrance. The lockers are free to use and operated via an optional four-digit pin code. There is also an open cloakroom, which you can use at your own risk. It is not permitted to bring large bags into the exhibition room.
At Søren Kierkegaards Plads, there is the possibility of disabled parking close to the entrance to The Black Diamond.
There are some areas in the old part of the library where wheelchair access is not possible without the help of a member of staff. Especially the programme points"The tour" and "The sound of horror" are difficult to participate in as a wheelchair user. It is possible to participate in the other programme items. Contact Royal Danish Library if you have any questions.
Food and drink
It is not permitted to bring your own food and drink to Music Festival Days in The Black Diamond. We refer to our café, which on the occasion dishes up a large selection for both lunch, dinner, the little hunger and all kinds of thirst - from morning coffee to wine.
Are you travelling to Copenhagen to participate in Music Festival Days and do you need accommodation? We refer to the many good hotels around us. There is a wealth of options in different price ranges - from Wakeup and Danhostel to Nobis and Admiral Hotel and many others.
Music Festival Days in The Black Diamond is sponsored by the Augustinus Foundation, the Beckett Foundation, the William Demant Foundation, the Aage and Johanne Louis-Hansen Foundation and the Knud Højgaard Foundation.