Black and white photos of Mathias Heise, Dawda Jorbarteh and Kira Skov
Mathias Heise: harmonica, Dawda Jorbarteh: song / kora and Kira Skov: vocals.

Photo: Det Kgl. Bibliotek

Vandretrioen feat. Kira Skov, Mathias Heise and Dawda Jorbarteh

The three musicians Henrik Gunde, Jakob Munck and Peter Fuglsang embarked on a hike in 2020 - here are who and what they met.

With hiking boots, backpack, and instruments, the trio left DR's Big Band and went exploring Denmark, not only to discover the country but also to find the good melody and all its essence. How do you move your audience? Where are the melodic seeds that make improvisations blossom? What they found out, you can discover at tonight's concert.

Kira Skov, a truly versatile singer, moves seamlessly from pop to jazz. She's been praised for both, from the band Kira & the Kindred Spirits (2001-07), to her 2011 Billy Holiday tribute Kira Skov sings Billie Holiday, to her latest 2021 release Spirit Tree, a return to her more pop singer-songwriter style.

Dawda Jorbarteh, a sublime kora player with musical roots in West Africa and the griot tradition into which he was born. The grandson of Alhaji Bai Konte and son of Amadou Bansang Jobarteh, he grew up in the aristocracy of Gambian music. Dawda's music is much more than the pure griot tradition; He sees no obstacle, for example, in adding "power" and effects to his instrument or in entering into contexts with, say, Pierre Dorge's New Jungle Orchestra.

Mathias Heise, despite his young age (born in 1993), has played his way into the absolute top of the world with his harmonica. Already at the age of 20 he won the Chromatic Harmonica World Championship.


Kira Skov: vocal
Dawda Jorbarteh: song and chorus
Mathias Heise: harmonica
Peter Fuglsang: clarinet
Jakob Munck: vocals, trumpet and tuba
Henrik Gunde: piano and melodies

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Brooklyn Rider (USA) (2:3)

Experience the American string quartet Brooklyn Rider, who, starting from a single note – the note c – sets the tone for a fantastic musical evening.

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