Fotografi af Margrethe Vestager foran glasbygning
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Meet Margrethe Vestager in The Black Diamond.

Photo: Stine Heilmann

Thought Leadership Stage: Margrethe Vestager

AI, jobs and legislation. From the digital to the everyday life of Europeans. Meet the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission for a conversation about our future with artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence

How will artificial intelligence change our society in the coming years - and how should regulations ensure citizens' safety and trust? This is one of the subjects Margrethe Vestager will touch on when she visits The Black Diamond in October.

Dronningesalen - publikum

Thought Leadership Stage

On the Thought Leadership Stage, the Royal Danish Library addresses the state of the world and puts philosophical and educational questions in relation to leadership and development in a broad sense on the agenda.

The event series consists of conversations with a selection of the world's leading profiles in the intersection between economics, politics, philosophy and management.

Vestager compares artificial intelligence to the industrial revolution and has called it an "extremely powerful technology". She predicts that we as a society are facing sweeping changes, not least in relation to workplaces and the labour market of the future. As Executive Vice-President of the EU Commission with responsibility for the digital area, Vestager is at the forefront of legislation to regulate the use of artificial intelligence.

Billion fines for tech giants

As EU Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager has made headlines and front pages of the biggest news magazines worldwide because of her great work for the regulation of tech giants such as Apple, Google and Facebook – which has resulted in large fines. She has thus taken up the fight against some of the most powerful companies of the time to ensure democratic influence in the digital sphere.


Margrethe Vestager

Margrethe Vestager is the biggest international political profile Denmark has and is known throughout the world for her political work in the EU Commission. She is Executive Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Competition. She is a former Minister of Economic Affairs and the Interior and Minister of Education as well as former chairman of the political party Det Radikale Venstre.

International Events at The Black Diamond