Two fathers lie in a bed with no shirts on with their small child in between them
Sigrid Nygaard and Mette Kia Krabbe Meyer

Photo: Sigrid Nygaard

Press photography - When we become history

Conversation about press photography between photographer and photo editor Sigrid Nygaard and senior researcher Mette Kia Krabbe Meyer. The event is in Danish.

Today, the news feed is full of images. We see photos of war victims, photos of crowds at demonstrations, photos of newly elected presidents, but also photos of everyday moments at work or at home. Press photographs have in common that they have to be seen in public. They are part of a story about who we are locally and globally and what is important to us.

We call them decisive moments, but many only become decisive because they are photographed. Some photographs become iconic and come to carry an entire time or movement within them, and artists and amateurs play with the novelty and sensational value of the genre.

Press photography is part of the exhibitions The Camera and Us and Lee Miller, and the exhibitions will be open to the public after the event.


Sigrid Nygaard

Sigrid Nygaard is a press photographer and photo editor at Dagbladet Information. This year, she received the award for Press Photo of the Year 2021 with a photograph from her series, where she followed the parents Martin and Nicolai Køster Rimvall when they picked up their son from a foster mother in Columbia.

Mette Kia Krabbe Meyer

Mette Kia Krabbe Meyer has a PhD in Art and Cultural Studies. She works as a senior researcher in Special Collections at the Royal Danish Library, and has written several articles and curated exhibitions about photography - not least the current exhibition The Camera and Us in The Black Diamond.

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