Photo by Torben Eskerod of HM Queen Margrethe from the exhibition The Camera and Us
Photo from the exhibition "The Camera and Us". The photograph of Queen Magrethe 2. on the right in the picture was taken by Torben Eskerod.

Photo: Malthe Ivarsson

On portrait photography: Torben Eskerod in conversation with Charlotte Præstegaard Schwartz

Photographer Torben Eskerod talks to photo curator Charlotte Præstegaard Schwarz about portrait photography as a genre with the exhibition The Camera and Us as a point of departure.

Torben Eskerod is widely known for his work with one of the oldest genres in the history of photography: the portrait. Today, we can all take a portrait of ourselves and each other with a quick click on the mobile phone. But what does the portrait really tell us about us humans? Eskerod has photographed everything from the Queen to death masks, and for him the portrait is a way into subjects such as memory and spirituality.

The talk is inspired by the library's permanent photo exhibition The Camera and Us, and particularly the room 'Portrait for the many - Strike a pose'.

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