Picture of Paloma Pradal looking to the side
An exceptional singer with a great range.

Photo: Antone Pace

Paloma Pradal Trio

Paloma Pradal is a rare and original talent and is already considered a great flamenco singer - not least when flamenco meets other styles, as here.

As the daughter of singer and flamenco guitarist Vincent Pradal, Paloma is surrounded by the richness and diversity of Spanish musical culture. Since early childhood, art and music have been omnipresent, and at the age of 4 she went on the dance floor – initially as a dancer.

Today, in her mid-20s, Pradal creates music that in many ways combines her cultural background with a great curiosity and openness towards the rest of the world. This is expressed, among other things, on her debut album "Rabia" from 2018, which can best be described as a journey of discovery through different genres - from hip hop and dance hall to jazz, et cetera.

Experience a unique singer with a wide range of voices – from the exuberant, colourful and festive to the tragic and solemn – in the company of the French duo, bassist Jérémy Bruyère and manouche guitarist Adrien Moignard. The latter is the lead singer of the DR Big Band's 2010 recording entitled “Celebrating Django Reinhardt”.

The concert is organized in collaboration with Copenhagen Jazz Festival.

The concert is supported by the Spanish Embassy, Copenhagen.

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Music events

Brooklyn Rider (USA) (2:3)

Experience the American string quartet Brooklyn Rider, who, starting from a single note – the note c – sets the tone for a fantastic musical evening.

The Queen's Hall