LIVE in the Library Garden 4:4 - Lars Brygmann, Rasmus Willig, Rasmus Nikolajsen and Anya
We celebrate, interpret and fantasise about the landscapes that surround us under an open sky in the historic Library Garden with music, statements and new poetry.
The Royal Danish Library's successful summer stage LIVE in the Library Garden returns with lots of music, poetry and performance.
Over four late summer Thursdays from the end of August to the beginning of September, you can meet actors, poets, speakers and musicians under the open sky and in a historic setting. The bar is open and we are serving up a treat of irresistible, thought-provoking performances.
In the fourth edition of the library's summer stage, LIVE in the Library Garden, we will, with music, performance, poetry and polemical speeches, unfold this year's theme: Landscape. Again this year, the Royal Danish Library has taken the initiative to have new Danish poetry written as a response to our reality here and now.
In the middle of the garden between the Royal Danish Library and Christiansborg, the bastions of cultural heritage and power, you can experience singer and songwriter Anya, sociologist and headmaster at Suhrs Højskole, Rasmus Willig, actor Lars Brygmann, who will interpret the poem "Guldfisk og Bøger" by Klaus Rifbjerg, and the premiere of a new lyrical work by poet Rasmus Nikolajsen. The event is in Danish.
The cafe's pop-up bar is open, and you are welcome to bring your own picnic blanket or camping chair to sit on.
Order a picnic basket
395 DKK for food and drink for two.
Delivery in the café's pop-up bar in the Library Garden.
Snacks - crispy chips & salty nuts
Salad with chicken, baked tomatoes, fennel crudité, crisp lettuce, bulgur and rosemary mayo topped with western cheese and watercress
Bread and butter.
Something sweet.
Two bottles of water and a bottle of white wine.
Napkins, glasses, cutlery and more.
Order at no later than three days before the event.
Pay via MobilePay 742603. This will finalise your order.
Ramus Willig
Rasmus Willig is a PhD and author, as well as co-founder and front person for Andelsgaarde. A cooperative movement with a focus on purchasing and leasing agriculture in a regenerative and sustainable way. He has written several books that relate to climate issues today, including ’Hvad skal vi svare?’, ’Den bæredygtige stat’ and ’Vi ved det jo godt’.
Rasmus Nikolajsen
The author Rasmus Nikolajsen has written a poem for the occasion. His poems are characterised by the sharp linguistic and metrical rules, in combination with a light, flowing, sensitive content. He is the winner of both the Hanne Marie Prize, 2015 and the Critic's Prize, 2016. Several of his poems focus on nature and Rasmus Nikolajsen has a sensitive and contemplative approach to poetry.
Anya is a Danish singer, songwriter and musician. Alongside her music career, she is educated in law and works as a paralegal. She debuted in 2015 and has since released the EP 'The Credit' (2015), the debut album, 'Faith', (2019), a large number of singles and most recently the EP 'Nøgen'.
Lars Brygmann
Lars Brygmann is a Danish actor who has appeared in several major Danish films and TV series. He has been associated with theatre Får303, Dr. Dante, Mungo Park and Østre Gasværk Theatre. He had his big popular breakthrough as Thomas la Cour in "Rejseholdet". In 2008, Lars Brygmann received a Robert for the year's leading male role for the film "Hvid Nat".
The event is part of the Golden Days Festival 2023
Golden Days is a cultural history festival that, with curiosity and a twinkle in its eye, takes history, the present and what has shaped and shapes us as people and society under loving, critical and creative treatment. Every year in September, the festival deals with a new theme from a number of different perspectives, professional disciplines and aesthetic starting points. This year's theme is 'In the countryside'.
The event is supported by: