Letter writing concert - Christmas cards
Join us for a letter writing concert - this time we write Christmas cards. Turn off the phone, turn on the senses and indulge in the quiet, confidential space of letter writing.
There are not many spaces left in our everyday life that invite focus and contemplation; a place where you can collect your thoughts and get them down on paper. When darkness descends over Copenhagen, the Royal Danish Library invities you to a letter writing concert, where we provide a warm, calm atmosphere under the glow of the green lamps in our beautiful, historic Old Reading Room.
A skilled musician will create a beautiful soundscape as a setting for your writing, all while you can capture the moment with a glass of wine in one hand and pen in the other and share it with someone else to the sound of live music.
When the thoughts have been settled and the Christmas card has been written, the Royal Danish Library will mail it for you.
Oplev Jonas Egholm live
Jonas Egholm er en af Danmarks helt store musikalske talenter. Egholm har mødt stor anerkendelse i både ind- og udland og har vundet adskillige konkurrencer og priser for sit guitarspil. Egholm debuterede fra Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatoriums Solistklasse i 2023. Han har desuden studeret på den prestigefyldte ”Máster en Interpretación de Guitarra” i Alicante hos nogle af verdens førende guitarister (David Russell, Ricardo Gallén, Ignacio Rodés og mange flere). Allerede i i 2022 udgav han sin debutplade, som blev kåret som "Ugens Album" på P2, ligesom Egholm selv var "Årets P2 Talent 2023":
”Guitaristen Jonas Egholm er ikke bare ét af de største talenter i Danmark lige nu. Han er gjort af det særlige stof, som skaber stjerner. Solistisk format, internationale priser. Han mestrer alt fra den tidligste til den nyeste musik. Og så har han en nærmest pandemisk evne: Han kan smitte!” - DR P2.
Part of Letters in The Black Diamond
The event is part of the series Letters in The Black Diamond, where we awaken Royal Danish Library's large letter collections through letter writing concerts and themed letter performances.