Actor stands on stage and recites

Photo: Malthe Ivarsson

Letter Performance: The Journey

Experience or relive unique, experience-hungry and homesick travel letters from the most important cultural figures in Scandinavian cultural history brought to life by a number of fantastic actors.

“My own friend. Why am I starting to write to you just today, when for so long you have sworn me into the hottest hell because I never wrote a line? I had decided all along that I wanted to write to you today - when the whole hubbub was finally over and the 'Journey' had begun."

This is how Herman Bang writes in a letter on 6 January, 1912, putting ink to paper on exactly the topic this autumn's letter performance is about: the journey. In recitation, song and music, adventurous, homesick, beautiful, funny, touching, horrifying and deeply personal letters from the Royal Danish Library's collection are brought to life by a number of fantastic actors.

Discover letters from, among others, Søren Kierkegaard, Asta Nielsen, Ludvig Holberg, Pia Arke, Herman Bang and Ingeborg Stuckenberg.

Participating actors:

Andreas Jebro, Benjamin Kitter and others.

Part of Letters in the Diamond

Håndskrevet brev

Photo: Ophav ukendt

The event is part of the series Letters in the Diamond, where we bring the Royal Danish Library's large letter collections to life through letter writing concerts and themed letter performances.


International Events at The Black Diamond