Portrætfoto af Edouard Louis
Author Édouard Louis.

Photo: Jean Francois Robert

International Authors' Stage: Édouard Louis (FR)

Édouard Louis has written himself to the top in record time with political indignation and class portrayal. His works are available in Danish, "Monique flygter" (2024) and "Voldens historie" (2016).

Édouard Louis has written his way to the top of the international literary scene with political indignation. Now he is returning to The Black Diamond, where in 2023 he spoke to a sold-out Queen's Hall.

The event is live-streamed at public libraries

Didn't get a ticket for the event? You don't have to despair. In collaboration with the country's many public libraries, Royal Danish Library live-streams the conversation between Édouard Louis and Matthias Dressler-Bredsdorff.

Check the event programme at your local public library to see if the event will be live streamed from them.

Writing as rebellion

When Louis illuminates 21st century class issues in his writing, he does so with political anger and with a deeply felt guilt and shame, and this has made him one of the greatest modern literary voices in Europe.

When I write, it's a rebellion. Every single line starts in that rebellion. - Edouard Louis

Édouard Louis is known as a politically indignant voice in France. He writes about his origins in an underclass of the underclass, a stratum of society as ravaged by violence, alcohol and racism as ever. And he does so at a time when a word like 'proletariat' seems both antiquarian and anachronistic, but discussions about class societies and parallel societies are more relevant than ever before.

Combines lived experience with sociology and philosophy

Édouard Louis was born Eddy Bellegueule and debuted in 2014 with the award-winning bestseller The End of Eddy Bellegueule about his own upbringing as a homosexual in 'Outskirts France' in an environment of total poverty - culturally, socially and economically. Since then, the Method of Transformation, about Louis' own transformation through his escape from the absolute bottom of society to the highest peaks, has cemented his position in European literature. In his writing, Louis combines his lived experiences with his sociological knowledge from his studies in sociology and philosophy at two of France's most prominent universities, École Normale Supérieure and École des Hautes Études et Science Sociales.

Book signing after the event

After the event you can meet Édouard Louis when he signs books in our shop. Either bring your own copies of his books or buy them at a favourable price in Diamanten's shop on the day.

An evening about structure of society and freedom

all my life, especially in my family, I've seen men beat women, and it must not happen to you, I told her, It can't happen to you, you have to go, you have to go.
This is what Louis writes in his latest novel, Monique flygter, which was published together with the re-release of History of Violence in Gyldendal in 2024. Both books explore in different ways the nature of violence as both personal and institutional, as well as the aftermath that victims of violence have to live with.
Experience or re-experience Édouard Louis as he takes the International Writers Scene to talk about the structures and prejudices of class society and the people it affects.


Édouard Louis

Édouard Louis was born Eddy Bellegueule in Northern France in 1992. Graduated in sociology and philosophy from the École Normale Supérieure and the École des Hautes Études et Science Sociales. and thus has an academic education as the first in his family. Made his novel debut in 2014 with the award-winning bestseller The End of Eddy Bellegueule. Has published a total of seven novels and has also been editor of works on Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault.

Matthias Dressler-Bredsdorff

Matthias Dressler-Bredsdorff is a critic and culture journalist at Information, as well as an author. He has lived for years in Paris, where he tried to understand contemporary French culture and history from his base as an associate professor at the Sorbonne Université.

Morten Hee Andersen


Part of the series International Authors' Stage

Two chairs on stage for the International Authors' Stage while the audience finds their seats

Photo: Malthe Ivarsson / Det Kgl. Bibliotek

Meet the greatest authors of the time from all over the world for in-depth conversations in The Black Diamond's beautiful event hall, the Queen's Hall. International Authors' Stage was founded in 2008, and has since hosted more than 150 authors from around the world.

The event is part of the series International Authors' Stage.

See more events in the series

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