The Great Diamond Hunt
Find the Diamond of Wisdom! An adventurous experience for children and their adults.
In a secret place in Royal Danish Library is the Diamond of Wisdom - a diamond that only the wise can find! The Diamond of Wisdom is the source of wisdom, and finding it requires courage, curiosity, and cooperation.
Important info
This activity is only available in Danish.
If you are unable to read Danish, we advice you to attend our activity The secret garden. It is suitable for children aged 5-11 years and available in English.
All curious children and their adults can go hunting for the Diamond of Wisdom in the library's treasure hunt, The Great Diamond Hunt.
With a compass, map, flashlight and adventure bag, The Great Diamond Hunt takes you through the library's buildings.
On the trip, you will experience the library's adventurous architecture while you do fun tasks and challenging activities.
You can, for example, decipher the dragons' magical stones, get a little weak in the knees from the glass bridge five stories up, greet Grundtvig, find the wise elephants and experience the magic in the old, vaulted halls.
Part of the series For children and their adults

Photo: Marie Boye Thomsen
We offer activities for children and their adults - both creative events on specific dates and more activities that you can always experience in The Black Diamond.
The event is part of the series For children and their adults.
Supported by the Augustinus Foundation.