The picture "Mutations (Bushes, Nevada), 1969"
Not for sale yet
Mutations (Bushes, Nevada), 1969

Photo: Stig Brøgger

The world around us

In The Black Diamond's new collection exhibition, we turn our gaze towards the landscape and everything that surrounds us.

The exhibition takes us on a journey through the last 200 years of photographic history and focuses on how we have depicted and understood land and city through photography – from the romantic landscape photography of the 19th century to the Industrialisation's enthusiasm for cities and buildings to the climate challenges of today. 

Discover photographs by Gertrud Käsebier, Andreas Gursky, Imogen Cunningham, Marianne Engberg, Stig Brøgger, Nanna Debois Buhl, Henry Fox Talbot, Pia Rönicke and Emil Ryge.

More info coming soon