Image of floating table by Sven Türk
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In 1945, photographer Sven Türck published the book 'Jeg var dus med aanderne' (I was on familiar terms with the Spirits). It was full of photographs from seances where participants reportedly made tables float in the air.

Photo: Sven Türck

Between Heaven and Earth – Witchcraft books, alchemy and occult photography

In this year's major special exhibition, you can explore the most magical parts of our cultural history when Royal Danish Library's enchanting collections are exhibited.

For as long as we humans have existed, we have had a desire to understand the incomprehensible – from ancient astrologers and ritual phenomena to today's spiritualists and scientists.

In this year's major special exhibition, Between Heaven and Earth, you are invited into a world full of fascinating inexplicability. Based on the enchanting collections of Royal Danish Library, Between Heaven and Earth takes you through all the most mysterious parts of our cultural history.

Discover disease-curing witchcraft books, occult photographs, alchemical experiments, love-inducing prophecies, accounts of fantastic creatures, mystical manifestations and many other magical objects.

Nomineret til Årets Pressefoto 2024_Mads Nissen

Press Photo of the Year 2024

Experience the exhibition Press Photo of the Year, which presents dramatic, funny and memorable moments from 2024 - captured by some of the country's most talented press photographers.

The Black Diamond, Exhibition 
The picture "Mutations (Bushes, Nevada), 1969"
Not for sale yet

The world around us

In The Black Diamond's new collection exhibition, we turn our gaze towards the landscape and everything that surrounds us.

The Black Diamond, Exhibition