David E. Scherman, dressed for war. All rights reserved to Lee Miller Archives 2022.
David E. Scherman, dressed for war.

Photo: Lee Miller Archives 2022. www.leemiller.co.uk

Exhibition opening: Lee Miller - Photographer. Icon. Surrealist

Join us when we open an exhibition on the extraordinary life of photographer, icon and surrealist Lee Miller with talks, refreshments and free entry to the exhibition.

Elizabeth ‘Lee’ Miller (1907-1977) lived a completely unusual life as a photographer, model, business woman, gourmet chef, author and war correspondent.

A norm-breaking artist in a time of breathtakingly rapid change, something she captured in her photographs: war reports from the Second World War and surrealist compositions which included the changing role of women as a theme. With enormous courage, Miller threw herself into a host of projects – but most of all she was a fantastically good photographer.

Meet the people who know Lee Miller the best

At the opening of the exhibition you can meet the two people alive with the most insight into Lee Miller’s life and work: Her granddaughter Ami Bouhassane and her son Antony Penrose, who are Co-Directors of the Lee Miller Archives, will give an introduction to Lee Miller’s intense life in conversation with Charlotte Præstegaard Schwartz, Curator of Photography at the Royal Danish Library, on stage in in the Queen’s Hall.

Subsequently there will be refreshments in the atrium and an opportunity to see the exhibition.

There will also be free access to the permanent photo exhibition The Camera and Us.


  • 16:30 - Interview with Lee Miller's son and granddaughter, Antony Penrose and Ami Bouhassane, both co-directors of the Lee Miller Archives.
  • 17:30 - The exhibition opens and we invite you to enjoy a refreshment in the Atrium

The exhibition is supported by:

Knud Højgaards Fond

Handelsgartner Harry Opstrups Fond

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Black and white split image of Lee Miller with Picasso and Charlotte Schwartz
Guided tours

Exhibition Tour: Lee Miller

ANNUAL PASS HOLDERS ONLY - Photography curator Charlotte Præstegaard Schwartz gives a tour of the exhibition LEE MILLER - Photographer. Icon. Surrealist.

The Black Diamond, Copenhagen