Four men in suits look into the camera

Photo: Caroline Bittencourt

Den Danske Strygekvartet: Anniversary concert (1:3)

On the occasion of The Black Diamond's 25th anniversary, Den Danske Strygekvartet pays tribute to both Carl Nielsen and the Danish folk music from Royal Danish Library's large music collection.


Music by Nielsen, Abrahamsen and folk music from the library's Danish folklore archives.

The Black Diamond celebrates its 25th anniversary! And which ensemble is better to celebrate the anniversary with than Den Danske Strygekvartet? They were formed shortly after the opening of the Diamond, so they have been visiting the house pretty much since its inception in 1999. 

In addition, they are among the most distinguished interpreters of our national composer Carl Nielsen, who is very central in the work of the library's music collection spanning decades. 

This evening, the library's folklore archives also come into play, because Den Danske Strygekvartet has often been around Danish folk music. They take the same tour at this anniversary concert, where you can experience music from the library's collection.


Rune Tonsgaard Sørensen, violin

Frederik Øland, violin

Asbjørn Nørgaard, viola

Fredrik Sjölin, cello

Opening night for the Diamond's new "lunchtime concert"

Before the concert with Den Danske Strygekvartet, you can join the opening of the brand new work Sky Mechanics composed especially for the Diamond's 12-channel speaker system by the American composer Wayne Siegel.

The inauguration starts at 19.30, where there will be speakers. We also offer a glass of bubbly.

Read more: The Diamond 25 years: Sky Mechanics – new sound installation for the "lunchtime concert"

String quartets in the Diamond

String quartets fit incredibly well with the acoustics of the Queen's Hall, so it is a great pleasure to be able to present some of the world's leading string quartets in this series, which will run for the next three seasons.

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