Picture of Klaus Rothstein
Klaus Rothstein will talk about Tom Kristensen's novel Havoc

Photo: Jens Bangsbo

The Classics with Klaus Rothstein: Tom Kristensen

ANNUAL PASS HOLDERS ONLY - In a new series of lectures, the Diamond Club takes an enthusiastic look at classic works from the history of literature that are worth remembering and re-reading.

The Classics is the Diamond Club's new lecture series, where literary critic and author Klaus Rothstein takes us on a journey into some of Denmark's greatest works of fiction. Each lecture is illustrated with archival photos, original manuscripts, etcetera from the library's collections, so we get completely new views into the history of literature.

We start with Tom Kristensen and the Copenhagen novel Hærværk ("Havoc") (1930). Lectures on Dea Trier Mørch and Amalie Skram will follow later.


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