Picture of Klaus Rothstein
This evening, Klaus Rothstein will take us into Dea Trier Mørch's writing

Photo: Jens Bangsbo

The Classics with Klaus Rothstein: Dea Trier Mørch

ANNUAL PASS HOLDERS ONLY – In the lecture series with Klaus Rothstein, the Diamond Club delves into classic works from the history of literature, which are worth remembering and rereading.

The Classics is the Diamond Club's new lecture series, where literary critic and author Klaus Rothstein takes us on a journey into some of Denmark's greatest works of fiction. Each lecture is illustrated with archival photos, original manuscripts and the like from the library's collections, so that we get completely new views into the history of literature.

This time we delve into Dea Trier Mørch's writing.

Dea Trier Mørch

With a large, generous authorship of novels and as an artist behind a large number of graphic works that united the craftsmanship with the aesthetic and the political, Dea Trier Mørch (1941-2001) was for many years an absolute tone-setting artist in several fields.

With the Trier family's roots in the folk high school movement as a historical resonant ground, and with her own anchoring in socialism and international solidarity, Dea Trier Mørch was a strong exponent of the left-wing artist milieu that dominated Danish cultural life in the 1970s. She was co-founder of the artist collective Røde Mor, which advocated a politically conscious, socialist art.

With her debut novel Vinterbørn (1976), Dea Trier Mørch had both a literary and popular breakthrough, which in many ways pointed towards our times' literary wave of motherhood literature. Her people-loving and friendly nature and her clear social realism and solidarity made her a popular left-wing intellectual icon.

With Dea Trier Mørch on the programme in the Diamond Club's classics series, we also get a look at scripts etc. that the family makes available for this particular event.

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Tour of the Press Photo of the Year 2024

FOR ANNUAL PASS ONLY. Join us for an exciting tour of the Press Photo of the Year exhibition, where you will have the opportunity to experience some of the year's most impressive and thought-provoking…

The Black Diamond, Exhibition