Usability sketches

Photo: Colourbox

User panel for the library's website

Would you like to help further develop our website and other digital services at Royal Danish Library? Then become part of the user panel and help test and give ideas for our solutions.

What does a user panel do?

We want to give our users the best experience when searching for information and material. Therefore, your opinion means a lot to us. We are constantly working to improve our digital services and make them as user-friendly as possible.

As part of our user panel, you participate in user tests and studies of the specific solutions we work with.

You do not need to be a super user of the library to join. The Royal Danish Library is for everyone, and our website must also reflect that.

However, you must be 18 years of age to participate in the user panel and have an email address at which we can contact you. As the purpose of the user panel is to improve our digital services, you must also have access to a computer, smartphone or tablet.

How does it take place?

When you are a member of the user panel, we will send you an invitation via email to the surveys and tests where we would like your input. You decide for yourself how active you want to be, and you can participate when you have the time and desire.

The surveys you can take part in are, for example:

  • Interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Questionnaire surveys
  • Online user testing of digital solutions

When you register, we ask for your consent to store personal data and answers you have given us in connection with the user panel. Read more about how we store your data.

You always have the option of opting out again if you no longer wish to participate in the user panel.

You are welcome to contact us at if you have any questions

Sign up for the user panel for the library's website

Yes, thank you - I would like to be part of the user panel for the library's website and make it as good and user-friendly as possible.

Yes! I consent to the following is required
To join the user panel for the Royal Danish Library's website, it is necessary to accept our guidelines and conditions .
First name and possible middle name is required
Last name is required
Enter an email address
Telephone is required
What year were you born? is required
You must be at least 18 years old to participate in the user panel for the library's website.

Your digital platforms

We would like to know a little more about you and your habits in relation to the library and various digital platforms.

What digital devices do you have access to?

What social media do you use?

Do you know the Royal Danish Library?
Enter "other"
Which description fits - or could fit - best for you when/if you use the Royal Danish Library? I use/could imagine using the Royal Danish Library and the library's digital platforms in connection with...
Enter "other"