Danish books on demand
How to order a PDF copy of select Danish books, printed sheet music or material from the small print collection printed more than a hundred years ago.

Photo: Sarah van Gellekom
All registered users of the library have the option of ordering PDF files of selected material, which can otherwise only be viewed in our reading room, free of charge.
This is a selection of Danish monographs, printed sheet music and material from our small print collection published from the beginning of the 18th century to more than a hundred years ago. An opportunity is given annually for the digitisation of several printed materials per 1st of January.
Order a copy
To order a PDF, you must first find the material by searching for it in our library system. If a book can be ordered as a PDF without charge, it has a button called "Copy/digitisation".
If you discover books with Danish or Danish-related materials printed more than a hundred years ago without the "Copy/digitisation" button, you can write to us and ask about the possibility of having a PDF of the book made.
You will automatically be sent a link to the PDF file in a searchable, digital reproduction (facsimile) in colour when the digitisation has been completed.
The same link can be viewed in the library system after digitisation, so that material that has been digitised is available online to all users.
Each user can order five PDF files free of charge each month.
As some of the material that can be ordered may be copyrighted, the PDF file may only be used for personal use.
If the author has died more than 70 years ago, the material is free of copyright (public domain) and can then be used freely. If there are several authors, the year of death of the longest-living one applies.
Always remember to credit the originator.
About the service
DOD - Danish Books on Demand 1701-1900 started in November 2012 as a project supported by the Ministry of Culture. The project ran until 2014, and the service was so popular that we decided to make it permanent.
The service has since been expanded to also include printed sheet music, material from the small print collection, and books printed more than a hundred years ago.
Please note that the service does not include magazines and journals.
If you have any questions about the service, please feel free to contact us.