Regulations for employees at Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK)
Special regulations for employees at Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK).
§1 Registration
Registration as a user is done by contacting Royal Danish Library on New user. Select: Private user, log in with MitID and fill in the form.
Then write to us and ask to be registered as SMK user.
It is a prerequisite for registration that the user has a valid SMK email.
§2 Use of Royal Danish Library and Roskilde University Library's physical collections
Materials for borrowing
The employee can order materials for borrowing for delivery at Statens Museum for Kunst, Sølvgade 48-50. Royal Danish Library handles the transport and delivery of the ordered material at the gate, the museum's staff entrance. Thereafter, the delivery of SMK's internal mail is handled.
Delivery takes place on SMK's premises: Internal Service (Mailroom) in Royal Danish Library boxes marked NYHAVN.
The individual user is responsible for the material themselves until the library has delisted the loan. The individual user always has the option of handing in the material themselves at one of Royal Danish Library's service points to get the delisting completed immediately.
Materials subject to proviso
Materials subject to proviso include:
Reading room materials subject to proviso from:
- Royal Danish Library - Copenhagen, for use at the Research Reading Room in The Black Diamond
- Royal Danish Library - Aarhus, for use in the Reading Room on Victor Albecks Vej
- Roskilde University Library, for use in the Reading Room at Roskilde University Library
Reading room materials subject to proviso from:
- Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen - The Art Library, for use at the Study Room in Søborg.
Interlibrary loan
Interlibrary loans are free.
§3 Loan period
The loan period is normally one month, unless otherwise stated.
Loans are automatically renewed if the material has not been reserved by another user.
The maximum loan period is one year.
§4 Recalls and suspension
A reminder is sent by email before the return date, and three recall notices are sent after the due date. There is no fee for recall notices. The employee's loan, order and renewal rights are suspended, if the material is not handed in before the third recall notice.
The employee is blocked if there are amounts due of DKK 200 or more.
Applicable rates are stated in Loan periods and fees.
§5 Liability for damages
The employee is personally responsible for the loan from the time it is lent until it is returned in the library system. The compensation case, which includes the book's price and a collection fee of DKK 150, is placed under Fees in the employee's account.
Applicable rates for compensation cases are stated in Loan periods and fees.