User regulations of Royal Danish Library
Regulations for private users.
Access to more recent archives
Rules for accessing some archives and items in our library catalogue that contain documents younger than 75 years and that contain information of a private nature.
ID card for the reading room
In order to gain access and study certain precious and rare works, you must be a registered user at Royal Danish Library and have a special ID card.
Regulations for borrowing manuscripts and unprinted theatre texts from the Theatre Collection
Special regulations for professional or permanently established theatres and theatre schools.
Regulations for employees at Copenhagen University Hospital
Special regulations for employees at Copenhagen University Hospital
Regulations for employees at Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK)
Special regulations for employees at Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK).
Regulations for employees at the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Roskilde University and The IT-University of Copenhagen
Special regulations for employees at selected universities.
Regulations for employees at Aarhus University Hospital
Regulations for employees at Aarhus University Hospital
Regulations for loans from Royal Danish Library's Orchestral Library
Professional orchestras or choirs, permanently established amateur orchestras or choirs and music education institutions are entitled to loans from Royal Danish Library's Orchestral Library
Regulations for public and research libraries
Applies to libraries with a library number.
Regulations for public areas at Royal Danish Library
These regulations apply to the locations affiliated with Royal Danish Library.
Regulations for research institutions/companies and governmental authorities
This application form applies exclusively to the institution, company or governmental authority as a whole. If you want to register as an individual, please register as a private user.
Regulations for Roskilde University Library users, 16 to 17 years old
Special exceptions from the regulations for private users for Roskilde University Library users aged 16 to 17.
Regulations for taking pictures with your own camera in the Research reading room and the Study room in Søborg
Within certain limits you can photograph material in reading rooms.
Regulations for the Art Library, Study Room Søborg
These regulations apply to materials that are exclusively available in the study room in Søborg.
Regulations for the Research Reading Room, The Black Diamond, Copenhagen
These regulations apply to the Research Reading Room, which is a shared reading room for Royal Danish Library and the Danish National Archives.
Regulations for users who are exempt from Digital Post
Special regulations for users who are exempt from Digital Post.