Royal Danish Library’s Strategy for Digital Preservation

Find out more about our strategy for preserving the library's collections of digital cultural heritage material.

The strategy, which can be downloaded from this page, makes visible and creates an overview of how the principles in the library’s "Policy for Digital Preservation" can be brought to life. 

The strategy acts as a reference for the daily digital preservation work and is part of a complex of policies, strategies and guidelines for this work.

Strategic objectives

  1. All legally deposited data received before 2023 will be fully digitally preserved by 2027
    This means that the data is bit preserved and monitored, and with sufficient preservation plans for all collections.
  2. Demands for geographical, organisational and software independence are fulfilled in 2025
    The setting-up of a copy in a foreign country, however, is not included in this objective.
  3. Royal Danish Library maintains its status as an acknowledged collaboration partner and contributor within the digital preservation area
    This includes that the library contributes to research and is an active player in the standardisation work, relevant networks and conferences both nationally and internationally.

To make it easier to implement the strategy, visions and/or objectives for specific topics have been added, where relevant. This indicates the right direction for the library within a given area and time frame of the digital preservation work.

The digital preservation strategy was updated in the start of 2024 and is expected to last for a five year period, unless the framework for the digital preservation work at the library changes in which case the strategy will be updated at an earlier date.

"Royal Danish Library’s Strategy for Digital Preservation" is only available in Danish.