Gender Equality Plan for Royal Danish Library 2025
Find out more about how we work with gender equality at the library, what tools we use, and our goals for gender equality.
Gender equality is one of the objectives of Royal Danish Library's diversity policy. Royal Danish Library wants to be an inclusive workplace where all employees are equal regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion/belief, political beliefs, education, position, ethnic background and other physical and personal circumstances, and where everyone is seen and heard. Royal Danish Library has an inclusive and appreciative culture, where we see diversity as a strength that contributes to us performing our tasks optimally.
The equality plan below is a concretization of the diversity policy. It has been prepared on the basis that from 2022, it is a prerequisite for participating in an EU research project Horizon Europe that the institution has an equality plan. This means that Royal Danish Library, when signing grant agreements, also signs that the institution has an equality plan.
The starting point is the current gender distribution of 55/45 women/men. In the management board, the gender distribution is 50/50. cf. ISOLA, 4th quarter 2024.
Royal Danish Library will monitor the development of equal pay through gender-segregated data on pay, which is prepared prior to the annual pay negotiations and to which all employee representatives and managers have access.
Royal Danish Library conducts the statutory mental health assessment once a year, measuring well-being and the mental working environment. The results of the assessment form the basis for targeted initiatives as needed.
In addition, Royal Danish Library strives to follow developments through monitoring gender-disaggregated data in the following areas:
- The gender composition among managers and employees divided into personnel categories
- Holding parental leave and children's sick days
Royal Danish Library will present the above gender-disaggregated data to the board of directors in 2025. This is with a view to launching targeted initiatives either at department or area level in the event of any challenges.
How we work with gender equality
Recruitment and selection
As part of the implementation of Royal Danish Library's Strategy 2024-2027 to be an attractive, inspiring and inclusive workplace, initiatives on 'bias blockers' in the recruitment process will be launched in early 2025 to strengthen diversity and inclusion. The bias blockers consist of a number of initiatives that are intended to support a more fair, objective and inclusive recruitment process and selection of candidates for positions by reducing unconscious bias among hiring managers and hiring committees. The initiatives will further strengthen Royal Danish Library's efforts to ensure a uniform recruitment process for the employment of employees and managers with a focus on the individual's professionalism and competences in relation to the tasks of the position, cf. Royal Danish Library's diversity policy.
Career development, education and courses
Royal Danish Library focuses on competence development. This is done through annual systematized employee development interviews (MUS), and in addition there is ongoing focus via 1:1 interviews. Longer-term training courses and major courses are financed by a shared pool located in HR. In addition, it is possible to apply for funds for individual competence development via the State Competence Fund. Royal Danish Library assesses that this framework contributes to all employees having the same opportunities to develop their potential regardless of gender, cf. Royal Danish Library's competence strategy. In addition, HR is currently working on making career paths visible for all employees in order to focus on opportunities for professional and personal development regardless of who you are and where you are in your working life.
Parental leave, flexible working hours and work life balance
Employees at Royal Danish Library are covered by the general rules on the rights of government employees in connection with pregnancy, maternity and adoption in the Maternity and Childbirth Act, the Civil Servants Act and the agreement on maternity, adoption and care days. Men and women have the opportunity to take parental leave, care days and a child's 1st and 2nd sick day with pay. Employees can find guidance on this on the intranet.
Salary and allowances
Royal Library's salary policy aims to ensure that all types of tasks and functions can be the basis for salary improvements. Salary improvements are based on a specific assessment of how the tasks are performed, and an overall assessment of the employee's salary level, capacity, workload and experience, cf. Royal Danish Library's salary policy. With the salary policy as a framework, Royal Danish Library assesses that the risk of salary favouritism based on gender is minimised. In addition, salary developments between genders are monitored once a year, cf. the section on data.
There is transparency about the results of the annual salary negotiations, as they are published on the intranet, including justification for salary improvements. In addition, HR facilitates the sharing of salary information between employee representatives and managers prior to salary negotiations.
Health and safety - well-being, bullying and sexual harassment
Several initiatives have been launched to support a healthy and safe working environment at Royal Danish Library:
- Royal Danish Library works systematically with health, safety and well-being. This is done in the Working Environment Organisation, where these topics are on the agenda at every meeting.
- Royal Danish Library's well-being policy is continuously assessed, cf. Royal Danish Library's well-being policy. In connection with the onboarding of new employees, everyone is informed about the policy, cf. Royal Danish Library's introduction policy.
- Royal Danish Library has a policy regarding offensive behaviour that stipulates that there is zero tolerance for offensive behaviour and that managers have a duty to act if they are made aware that offensive behaviour has occurred physically or digitally at Royal Danish Library.
- Royal Danish Library has a whistleblower scheme, which can be used to anonymously report serious matters to an impartial entity.
- Royal Danish Library measures the psychological working environment and well-being once a year, see the section on data.
Competence development in the area of gender equality
Royal Danish Library wants to raise awareness of unconscious gender biases, so that we become aware of our own behaviour and any stereotypical perceptions of gender. To support the desired culture, a number of initiatives are being implemented regarding 'bias blockers' in the recruitment process, cf. the section Recruitment and selection.
In general, Royal Danish Library strives to be an attractive workplace with high job satisfaction, and Royal Danish Library's personnel policy values focus on constructive and trusting dialogue and job satisfaction. All new employees at Royal Danish Library are introduced to the values through Royal Danish Library's induction program.
Dedicated resources
Royal Danish Library commits through the equality plan to allocate dedicated resources to work with the equality area. Responsibility for the work with equality is anchored in HR
The gender equality plan is revised annually.