Solveig Gade: Exploring identities
Playwright and researcher Solveig Gade recommends a number of recent dramatic works, all of which address current and realistic issues.

Photo: Solveig Gade
Identities and experiments
In the video, you can hear Solveig Gade talk about the dramatic works she has selected. What they all have in common is that they are based on current issues from the real world: the climate crisis, terrorism, identity, racism and gender.
The particularity of drama
Solveig Gade compares drama with a music score. The notes in the score correspond to the written piece of drama, but just as the musicians and the conductor must interpret the notes before they become music, so the actors, the director and the other stage staff must interpret the drama into speech and action on a stage.
Drama is an open form of literature. This means that you, as a reader, become a co-creative force when you read a piece. That's why it is always a good idea, especially if you have not tried reading drama before, to read the text aloud, so you get the feeling that the dramatic play takes place in time and space, points out Solveig Gade.
Solveig Gade recommends
- Markedet er ikke noget sted by Madame Nielsen (The Market is No Place)
- Jeg er Silas by Julie Maj Jacobsen (I Am Silas)
- Dette er vand by Anna Bro (This is Water)
About Solveig Gade
Solveig Gade is associate professor, PhD at Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Copenhagen and is associated with the Betty Nansen Theatre as dramaturg. She has previously been a professor at the Danish National School of Performing Arts and a dramaturg at the Royal Danish Theatre and has thus helped to curate and develop part of the performed drama.
She works with war and theatre in her research and has published "(W)Archives: Archival Imaginaries, War, and Contemporary Art" (2021) MIT Press, on which she is co-editor.