C.E.F. Weyse 250 years
We have looked in the collections on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Danish composer C.E.F. Weyse.
Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse is particularly known for his melodies for B.S. Ingemann's morning and evening songs, several of which have retained their popularity to this day. But he composed in many different musical genres: opera, singspiel, cantatas for ministrations and other choral music as well as symphonies. In addition, Weyse was a distinctive and interesting personality, which is not least expressed in his many and often long letters, where his well-developed sense of humour also emerges.
Weyse did not make many long journeys – in fact, by all accounts, he did not leave Zealand after coming there as a young man. His most frequent destinations must have been the numerous visits he paid in Roskilde to his close friends in the priest family Hertz. Weyse felt at home there, and he had also chosen to be buried in Roskilde, where the beautiful tombstone can be seen at Gråbrødre Cemetery.
Folk tunes for 100 dalers, please!

Weyse's collection

Letter writer and gourmet

The musician