is closed
Read more about the background for the closure of the website and how you can get hold of the reference works in the future.

Photo: Det Kgl. Bibliotek
Royal Danish Library has decided to close the website as of 1 March 2022.
The closure takes place as part of the maintenance plan for the library's services and online presence. The plan ensures that our digital offerings comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation, accessibility guidelines and offer a technically up-to-date solution.
Do you need the reference works?
If you need the publications "De danske aviser", 1614-1991, volumes 1-3 by Jette D. Søllinge and Niels Thomsen or "Beretningen om de danske aviser 1992-2011" by Ole C. Jørgensen, you can borrow them from us or your local public library.
If your own library does not have a copy on its shelves, you can use to order it for use at home.