How to find newspapers
We have almost all of the Danish newspapers published from 1666 and up to present day. Some are available digitally and some are not.
Photo: Ophav ukendt
Use our search engines first
Approximately half of the newspapers in our collection are available digitally and can be searched and found in Mediestream, which contains newspapers from 1666 to 2013.
Volumes prior to 1 January, 1924 can be read from home, but to read more recent volumes you must visit locations affiliated with Royal Danish Library.
The so-called ownerless newspapers in Mediestream can also be read at a large number of public libraries.
You can also try to search in Infomedia, which contains newspapers published from 1990 and onwards.
Please note that you only have full access to Infomedia if you are located in the library.
Having trouble finding what you are looking for?
If the newspaper you are searching for is not available digitally, it may be available on microfilm, which can be viewed in a reading room in The Black Diamond, Copenhagen or on Victor Albecks Vej, Aarhus.
Microfilms in The Black Diamond, Copenhagen
In the study reading room, you can find select microfilms from Danish newspapers published prior to 2010. They are available for general use.
If you want to be sure that you can view a microfilm before visiting the reading room, write to us first.
If you need help, you are welcome to contact our staff.
Microfilms on Victor Albecks Vej, Aarhus
The microfilm must be ordered beforehand as it has to be located in our vaults first.
In our library system, you can find the newspaper by searching the title followed by the word "microfilm".
Open the relevant entry and click the funnel icon to activate filters. By clicking on "description", you can choose the time period you want to order.
Alternatively, you can click on "Order other volumes/booklet" and write which time period you want to order under description.
You will be notified when the microfilm is ready for use on our microfilm readers on the 1st floor.
If this does not work, try the original newspapers
If the newspaper is not available digitally or on microfilm, you can search for it in the library system which contains information on nearly all of our original newspapers.
The newspaper is ordered by searching on its title, opening the entry and pressing ”order”. Enter information about which dates you want to view.
If you cannot find the newspaper in the library system, there is still a chance that we have it. Send an inquiry.
Regardless of your method of ordering, you will be notified when the newspaper is ready at in Skejby, Aarhus, where we keep the collection of newspapers.
The reading room is located here in order for the newspapers to avoid unnecessary transportation.
This also means that it is not possible to view original newspapers in The Black Diamond or at any of our other service points.
Please note that you are only allowed to view original newspapers that are not available digitally or on microfilm.
Newspapers from 2016 onwards cannot be ordered for the reading room for conservation reasons. We refer instead to Infomedia.
How to order a black/white photocopy
Danish residents
You can order a photocopy of all our newspapers. You can order articles and full pages.
Remember to choose "Copy from microfilm" when filling out the order.
Copies come in black/white in paper sizes A4 or A3. We will choose the best size if we are not instructed otherwise. Shipping is free.
Please note that the quality of the microfilm will determine the quality of the copies.
International residents
Please contact your local library if you would like to have a copy of a newspaper page. Your local library will be able to help you by making use of the interlibrary lending service. Any payments can be made by using IFLA vouchers.
Still unsure where to look?
If you need help, please write to us.