How to find art history
The art history collections contain auction catalogues, photographs, artist signatures and art history archives. Some have been digitised, while others still only exist in physical form.

Photo: Thomas Søndergaard
Search our digital collections
You will find photographs of Danish visual art, Bent Petersen's slide collection, artist signatures and model drawings in digital collections. You can search by e.g. artist name.
Auction catalogues from 1719-1920 can be found digitally under selected collections in our library system. You can search by the name of the auction house, "anonymous Danish auction catalogues" (in Danish "anonyme danske auktionskataloger"), or "death estate auctions" (in Danish "dødsboauktioner").
You will find exhibition catalogues up to 1920 digitally under selected collections in our library system. Search by exhibition location, possibly combined with year.
Search our physical collections
By using the search field at the top of the page, you can search for both artist name, work title, names of art historians or critics, the name of the auction house, the name of the collection or archive creator, as well as conduct searches of a more systematic nature.
You can use the menu on the left to limit your search. Here, for example, select "Libraries" and "KB Art Library Søborg" or "KB Art Library Nyhavn", and you will get material that is exclusively in The Art Library's collection.
All material, both digitised and non-digitised, can be searched. Much of the physical material can be ordered and viewed at our Study Room Søborg.
Trouble finding what you need?
If you did not find what you were looking for, you can write to us. Tell us what you are looking for and we will try to find it for you.