Palsbo's collection of songs
Palsbo's collection of songs contains occasional songs, broadsheet ballads, cantatas, hymns and more that relate to all sections of society and both known and unknown people from the 1600s-1900s.

Photo: Det Kgl. Bibliotek
How do I access Palsbo's song collection?
First search option
If you know the title of the song, you can search in our Digital collections to see if a digitised copy of the song might be available.
Second search option
You can also search our library system for the title and in some cases find a digital copy of the song.
Third search option
If you want to find songs that are not digitised, or you would like to search more broadly in the collection, you must look in the registers for Palsbo's song collection.
Find the digitised registers in our library system (in Danish).
How to use the registers for Palsbo's song collection
The registers can be read directly in the library system or downloaded from there. To search the registers, you need to download them to your computer.
Song titles are generally registered under the original title, transcribed verbatim (for example: Tvende skiønne Afskeds-Viiser).
Beginning lines
Alphabetical register of the beginning of the song texts. The first two lines of the songs are registered, as the first line may be similar to several other songs.
Subject register
The register includes only select items. It is probably started after Palsbo's time and not complete, but can be a help in some situations.
Instead of an actual subject register, Palsbo himself arranged parts of the song collection by subject, especially broadsheets dealing with murders, ship disasters, fires and similar events. It may therefore be a good idea to look at the broadsheets that are physically located just before or just after a relevant song if you want to find others with similar content.
The signature numbers follow the collection's physical arrangement.
Author and author signature
Includes named authors as well as pseudonyms, initials and characters. A song can be registered under several forms of the name. For example, AB may be Anders Bording, K. may be Thomas Kingo, and Dr. Balfungo is a pseudonym for Oluf Bang.
Publisher and print
Publisher and place of printing are registered, if known. Certain publishers, such as Strandbergs (æ. and y.), account for such enormous quantities that the registration is in fact unmanageable, but it has nevertheless been carried out for the sake of principle.
The composers' register probably started after Palsbo's time. It is not known if the registry is complete. The register includes only composers who are directly mentioned in the print.
The register only includes melodies that are directly indicated in the print. Here some quirks appear where the printer has apparently used his ear and not his eye. For example: "Mens Nordhavet bruser mod Fjeldbys Strand" (actually: fjeldbygt), "I Østens Sølv blaa Dagen smiler" (I Østens sølvblaa ...) , “Vær Glædens Ven” (Hver ...) or “Du er rig, du er dejlig og sød” (... dejlig, o Syd).
In the melody register, as far as possible, references have been made to the correct title of the melody.
All personal names, both real and fictitious, are registered (for example Hans Christian Andersen and Cupido). Names consisting of family name and nickname are registered under both (Jacob Hansen Kulsøe under "Hansen", "Hansen (Kulsøe)" and "Kulsøe").
Locations are thought of in the broadest sense as both geographical places and institutions, thus both Aabenraa (street or city) and Højesteret are locations.
Order material for use at the Research Reading Room
Each print of a song in Palsbo's collection has an archival signature, e.g. Z, 312/720.
When you have found the signature of the song you want to see in the registers, you can order the box that the print is in.
Search for "Palsbos visesamling" in the library system. Under "Examples" you will find a list of the boxes. For example the song with signature Z, 312/720 is in box 225: Z, 312 (505-996).
You can view the material at the Research Reading Room in The Black Diamond, Copenhagen.
The contents of Palsbo's collection of songs
The song collection is more diverse than the name suggests. It contains a large number of printed occasional songs written for every conceivable and unimaginable occasion, as well as a correspondingly large number of broadsheet and other prints with a variety of songs. There are funeral songs, hymns, confirmation songs, mission songs, songs about the blind, songs in dialect, military songs, cantatas, concert programmes, oratorios, toast songs, spiritual songs and hymns, just to name a few.
The collection includes about 25,000 prints and touches on a wide range of human cultural, social and political worlds of experience and traditions: working life, the workers' struggle, bourgeois club life, trade unions, prejudice, the constitution, war, women's struggle, love, happy and unhappy events, power struggles between men and women, murder, political parties and so on.
It deals with both urban and rural commons, bourgeoisie and upper class, and has been sung, collected and composed by the same. Many countries are represented in different ways. It can be as a side note in the lyrics, as the theme of the song, in the form of relations between countries, prejudices or skepticism towards other countries, or lyrics and melody may have been written by a foreign author and composer.
The songs can be serious, tragic, sad, cheerful, ironic and satirical.
The history of the song collection
The song collection is named after Torben Palsbo, who was employed at the University Library in Copenhagen in the period of 1948-1984. He collected broadsheet ballads, occasional songs and other loose prints related to songs which the library had received over the years. He also thoroughly registered the collection with seven different search entries.
The material is distributed in 274 archive capsules. The associated registers were originally written on a total of 73,000 index cards. Some prints are digitised, and more are digitised and continuously made available.
Find out more about Palsbo's collection of songs: "Visesamlingen i Fiolstræde" in Meddelelser fra rigsbibliotekaren, 34. årg, nr. 2, 1983, s. 33-35.