Become part of our new user panel

We invite users and interested citizens to join a newly created user panel, where members can give their input to the library's website.

Usability sketches

Photo: Colourbox

At the Royal Danish Library, we want the digital platforms we make available to users to be easy and intuitive.

To ensure user-friendliness on, for example, the library's website, we now invite our users to join a newly created user panel. Here they can give their opinion and help test future solutions.

The DR archive will be the first major task

When the new user panel is established, many of the first tasks for the panel will consist of testing and commenting on solutions for displaying the DR archive, which must be made available via our website. We have to develop a completely new user interface, and it will add great value to the work and the future platform if representatives of the users have given input during the development phase. In this way, we ensure that the DR archive is as user-friendly as possible.

We see the user panel as a win-win constellation. We get valuable input from the users so that we can develop the best possible solutions, and the users will hopefully end up having a better experience with the finished product. Therefore, we hope that many will sign up as participants in the panel.

- Tenna Eliasen Digital communication specialist (user experiences and involvement)

The search for participants has begun

The framework for the user panel is in place. Now it just needs to be filled up by interested users who will contribute their perspectives on solutions and participate in various types of testing of the website. All types of panelists are welcome - however, you must be over 18 to join.

There is no requirement for knowledge of the Royal Danish Library or special IT skills. The most important thing is that you want to take part in a user survey or similar once in a while. You can participate to the extent that suits you, and you can always choose what and how much you want to participate.

We are looking for users across the country.