Timeline for Royal Danish Library
See our overview of key years in the library's history.

Photo: Laura Stamer
NOTA - Danish Library and Expertise Center for people with reading disabilities becomes a part of Royal Danish Library.
Effective January 1, Royal Danish Library is a reality, following a merger in which The Royal Library and The State and University Library of Denmark are combined.
In connection with the merger, The Administrative Library and The Danish National Art Library also becomes part of the new library.
At Slotsholmen in Copenhagen, Royal Danish Library is expanded. From the outset, the new building made of shiny black granite is referred to as "The Black Diamond".
As such, Denmark has a new cultural centre, one that includes a concert hall, as well as conference and exhibition facilities.
The State and University Library of Denmark is made national superstructure of education to the public libraries, and helps distribute knowledge to the Danish public libraries and further onwards into society.
Aarhus University opens and The State Library of Denmark also becomes a university library.
The Administrative Library, which provides services to public servants in both state and municipalities, is established.
As The State Library of Denmark opens in Aarhus, Denmark has another library to help preserve the national cultural heritage.
The same year, a new Legal Deposit Act comes into force.
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts is founded in 1754 by Frederick V. This also marks the founding of The Danish National Art Library.
The Legal Deposit Act is introduced. Now all printers must submit copies of the writings and books they print to Royal Danish Library. The law in an updated form still applies today.
Royal Danish Library is founded by Frederick III.
Copenhagen University Library is founded. It has been three years since Christian I founded the University of Copenhagen.