Physical information supply and library service

We provide library services to Aarhus University and to the Danish public libraries. In addition, we manage the physical materials and focus on the physical library spaces.

We handle the university library function for Aarhus University under the name AU Library, as well as extensive operational functions related to the national physical information supply.

In addition, we manage materials and provide library services to public libraries and can thereby contribute to the development of the overall library landscape in Denmark.

We also work to provide a diverse and vibrant library environment for users and create a framework for reflection, inspiration, learning, conversation and shared professional, social and cultural experiences.

We work with the following core areas:

  • Users and library spaces
  • Purchase of physical materials
  • Public library service
  • Interlibrary loans
  • Logistics and warehouse management.

Line Renate Hanssen, Deputy Director of Physical Information Supply and Library Services

Portrait photo of Line Renate Hanssen
Line Renate Hanssen.

Photo: Thomas Søndergaard

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