Contact us
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Technical questions
Do you have any technical questions regarding searching, borrowing and obtaining access to the library’s collections? Use our online service Ask the library.
For further inquiries, please email Clearly state what your inquiry is about in the subject line, thus helping us to find the colleague best suited to help you.
Please note that inquiries to are transferred to our internal case processing system, provided by a software supplier headquartered in the USA. From here, in connection with technical support, personal data may be transferred to recipients outside the EU and EEA.
If you need to contact us with your personal data, you can write to us via Digital Post. Here you can choose Royal Danish Library as recipient.
Find more information on how we processes personal data. You can contact our data protection advisor at
Call (+45) 3347 4747 (Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.).
Postal address
Royal Danish Library
Christians Brygge 8
1219 Copenhagen K