Niels W. Gade


Ballade efter danske Folkesagn

Erlkönigs Tochter

Ballade nach dänischen Volkssagen

The Elf-King's Daughter

Ballad based on Danish Legends

La Fille du Roi des Aulnes

Ballade d'après une lègende Danoise

Opus 30
NWGW 165

Authors: Chr. K.F. Molbech; Carl Andersen; B.S. Ingemann
Translators: Edmund Lobedanz (German); Louise Vance (English)

Composition: 1851-1854.

Sometime in the late 1840's Gade asked Hans Christian Andersen to write a text for a new concert piece based on the old Danish ballads "Elveskud" and "Elverhøj", which were very popular at that time. Andersen's text has many features in common with the final version, but for unknown reasons Gade decided not to use it. Neither the printed editions of "Elverskud" nor the concert programmes from Gade's own life time mention the name of the text author, but in 1923 William Behrend revealed that the poet Chr.K.F. Molbech had helped Gade with the text but refused to provide his name for it because Gade kept asking for changes. Then Gade's half cousin, Carl Andersen, took over, making the changes Gade wanted. The editor of the newspaper "Flyveposten", Gottlieb Siesbye, was involved too, but Gade rejected his contribution. The sketches for part one are dated September 1851; however, Gade did not finish the sketches for part three until he had returned from his visit to Leipzig in the spring of 1853. The final score was not ready until March 1854, shortly before the first performance in Musikforeningen on 30 March. "Elverskud" soon became one of Gade's most loved works, not only in Denmark but also abroad. Especially Oluf's Ballade and Morning Song were published in numerous editions and arrangements.

Roles: Oluf (T.tenore (tenor) ); Moderen (A.alto ); Elverkongens Datter (S.soprano )
Oluf (T.tenore (tenor) ); Die Mutter (A.alto ); Erlkönigs Tochter (S.soprano )
Oluf (T.tenore (tenor) ); The mother (A.alto ); Elf-King's daughter (S.soprano )

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