Niels W. Gade

Symfoni nr. 1

Symphony No. 1

Sinfonie Nr. 1

Opus 5
GW I:1

Composition: Copenhagen October 1841 to summer 1842.

In October 1841 Gade entered the discription of a symphony in C minor in his so-called "Composer's Diary" based on old Danish epics; however, he did not finish it until the following summer. In August or September he submitted it to Musikforeningen, hoping that they would perform it in their forthcoming concert. At a board meeting it was decided to leave the decision to the composers J.P.E. Hartmann, J.F. Frøhlich and the conductor of Musikforeningen, Franz Gläser. But then, C.E.F. Weyse died in October and it was decided to arrange a memorial concert in his honour, so there was no room for Gade's symphony on the programme. Therefore the secretary of Musikforeningen, Edvard Collin, immediately wrote to Breitkopf & Härtel in Leipzig, asking whether it would be possible to have the symphony performed at a Gewandhaus Concert instead. They advised that Gade should send his score to the board of the Gewandhaus Concerts, which he apparently did, for in January 1843 he received a most eulogistic letter from Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy who had just held the first rehearsal. The first performance on 2 March was a triumph for Gade and the symphony soon gained fame all over Europe.


Key: C minor

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