HartW 22 XML

J.P.E. Hartmann

Musik til Adam Oehlenschlägers heltedigt "Yrsa"

Music to Adam Oehlenschläger's Heroic Poem "Yrsa"

Opus 78
HartW 22
DF 201

Author: Adam Oehlenschläger

Composition: 1881-1882.

Adam Oehlenschläger wrote his tragedy "Yrsa" in 1814, but it was not until 1880 - thirty years after his death - that The Royal Theatre decided to stage it. Hartmann was asked to compose the music, and it became his last major work in the so-called Nordic style, which had meant so much in his oeuvre. The tragedy was not performed with Hartmann's music until three years later.

Roles: Helge, Lejrekonge; Oluf, Dronning i Saxland; Yrsa; Freya, Gudinde; Folkvar, En Fisker (Bass); Reigin, Jarl, Helges Mand; Tangkjær

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Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId