HartW 3 XML

J.P.E. Hartmann

Liden Kirsten

Romantisk Synge Stykke i én Act af H.C. Andersen

Klein Karin

Romantisches Singspiel in einem Akt

Little Kirsten

Romantic Singspiel in One Act

Opus 44
HartW 3
DF 191

Author: Hans Christian Andersen

Composition: 1844-1846.

During his stay in Rome in 1833, Hans Christian Andersen was inspired by reading Rahbek's and Nyerup's edition of the old heroic ballads to write an opera text about Hr. Sverkel, however he had to give up his original idea that the music should be arrangements of the old folk songs. The text underwent several changes before Andersen handed it over to Hartmann in 1844, after Ivar Bredal had declined to arrange the music.The original intention was that it should be a Singspiel with spoken dialogue, but eventually it turned into a one act opera with recitatives. According to the newspaper reviews the premiere in May 1846 was a success, but Hartmann was not entirely happy with Sverkel's romance, so at his suggestion Andersen wrote a new text, which became No. 7, the recitative and romance "Ja, jeg er hjemme / Langt, langt fra Hjemmets Kyst", which was used for the first time on 4 March 1847, and from then on has been one of the most loved numbers in the opera. Apparently the opera was not very popular until the revival during the 1858/59 season, when it was advertised as "an original romantic opera in two acts". Thereafter it became extremely popular, especially after the war with Prussia and Austria in 1864 when it became a kind of national opera, passing its 100th performance in 1891. When it was performed at the celebration of Hartmann's 150th birthday 14 May 1955, it reached its 312th performance.

Roles: Fru Malfred (Alto); Liden Kirsten, hendes Datter (Soprano); Etle, hendes Slægtning (Mezzo Soprano); Mor Ingeborg, en Bondekone (Alto); Sverkel, hendes søn (Tenor); Narren (Tenor)
Lady Malfred (Alto); Kirsten, her daughter (Soprano); Etle, her relative (Mezzo Soprano); Mother Ingeborg, a farmer's wife (Alto); Sverkel, her son (Tenor); The Jester (Tenor)
Frau Martha (Alto); Karin, ihre Tochter (Soprano); Etla, ihre Verwandte (Mezzo Soprano); Mutter Ingeborg, eine Bauernfrau (Alto); Hialmar, ihr Sohn (Tenor); Der Narr (Tenor)

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Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId