HartW 451 XML

J.P.E. Hartmann

Foraarssang af "Mirza-Schaffys Sange"

(Naar den unge Vaar)

Spring Song from 'Mirza-Shafi's Songs'

HartW 451
DF 138

Author: Friedrich von Bodenstedt, tr. by P. Hansen

Composition: 16 Dec. 1878.

In 1843 the German poet and scientist Friedrich von Bodenstedt (1819-92) visited the capital of Georgia,Tiflis, where he met the Azerbaijani poet Mirzä Şäfi Vazeh. In 1851 he published "Die Lieder des Mirza-Schaffy". The book, which became very popular, was republished and translated into other European languages. Since the Danish translation by P. Hansen was not published until 1879, Hartmann must have known his translations beforehand as he end-dated his score on 16 December 1878. After Vazeh's death Bodenstedt denied the latter's authorship claiming that they were his own poems.

Instrumentation: voice, pf.pianoforte (piano)
Allegro non troppo, grazioso

Naar den unge Vaar fra Dalen gaaer

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Last changed 2022-12-01 by MerMEId