HartW 327 XML

J.P.E. Hartmann

Flyv Fugl, flyv over Furesøens Vove

Flieg' Vöglein

Fly Bird, Fly

HartW 327
DF 119:4

Author: Christian Winther

Composition: 1837.

In 1837 Hartmann participated in Musikforeningen's competition on "den bedste Samling af 6 Sange over forskjellige nærmere bestemte Texter." His contributions were: No. 1 "Indvielsen"; No. 2 "Hvad toner gjennem Skoven"; No. 3 "Langsad Strandveien"; No. 4 "Til de Døde"; No.5 "Lille Cathrine" and No. 6. "Flyv, Fugl, flyv". Nos. 1 & 4-6 were chosen by the jury to be published, while Nos. 2 &. 3 remained unpublished. "Flyv, fugl, flyv" became one of Hartmann's most beloved songs, published in numerous song books in many different arrangements.

Instrumentation: voice, pf.pianoforte (piano)
Moderato tranquillamente

Flyv Fugl, flyv over Furesøens Vove

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Last changed 2022-12-01 by MerMEId