محمد بن سليمان الجزولى الشاذلى [Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Guzūlī al-Šād̠̠ilī]
Praying for the Prophet., Illuminations in gold, blue and red., Illuminations of Makkah and Medhīnah., Text is enclosed within gold and black multiple frames., Devotional text, Nash̬ī og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 1289-1293]
First date mentioned is 14 Ṣafar 1057 H [21.3.1647 CE], the last year is 1099 H [1688 CE], Astronomical and other calendar information, Naskhi og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 332-336]
Books 14-15 [fols. 202b-214b] have been ascribed to Hypsicles [Ibsiqlā[wu]s], Books 3-15 of Euclid's Elements, ar, Naskhi og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,1 [pp. 281-285]
Bought by either Carsten Niebuhr or Peter Forsskål ca. 1762, Calculation tables, where numbers are replaced with letters, Nashi script, Black and red ink og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 299-302]
سراج الدين ابو حفص عمر ابن الوردي Sirāǧ al-Dīn Abū Ḥafṣ 'Umar ibn al-Wardī
Bought in Cairo 1761/62 by the Danish philologist Frederik Christian von Haven (d. 1763), a member of the Carsten Niebuhr expedition 1761-1767., Geography and natural history, Nash̬ī script og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 345-349]
Illuminations on 75 pages: stars pictured by drawings in colour., Brought by Frederik Christian von Haven in Cairo ca. 1762., Book on astronomy, Nashi script, Chapter headings in red og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 290-294]
موسى بن محمد الرومى قاضيزاده البرزلى الحنفى Mūsā [ibn Muḥammad al-Rūmī] Qāḍīzādeh al-Birzalī al-Ḥanafī (ca. 840 H [ca. 1436 CE])
The text is a commentary to the astronomical compendium al-Mulah̬h̬as͎ fī 'ilm al-hay'ah written by Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad ibn 'Umar al-Ǧiġmīni al-H̬wārizmī., Astronomy, Ta'līq, Headings in red and the commented text marked with a read line og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 295-298]
Table of the Coptic months and a table of the rising and setting stars in the year 1090 H [1679/80 CE]., Brought by either Carsten Niebuhr or Peter Forsskål ca. 1762, Various astronomical tables, Nashi script, Black, red and green ink og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 323-326]
Bought by either Carsten Niebuhr or Peter Forsskål ca. 1762, Astronomy table, Nashi script, Black and red ink og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 327-331]
ال>>قاسم بن علي الحريري>> Al-Qāsim ibn 'Alī al-Ḥarīrī
Rhymed prose tale, Nashi script, Title and other details in Kufi script og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 1416-1421]
The manuscript contains a selection of sūrahs of the Qur'ān and du'ā' prayers, Pages 192-236 consist of miniatures and specimens of calligraphy, Devotion, Vocalised Nash̬ī in black, Headings in white, verse markers gold with small red, black and white dots og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 1304-1308]
محمد بن سليمان الجزولى الشاذلى [Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Guzūlī al-Šād̠̠ilī]
Praying for the Prophet., Devotional text, Maġribī, Black ink, significant words in red, the prophet Muḥammad's name in red and green og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,1 [pp. 32 and 94]
Prayers for the Prophet., Illuminations of Makkah and Medhīnah in Western Sudanese style., Devotional text, Maġribī, Important words in red, yellow and blue og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 147-152]
محمد بن سليمان الجزولى الشاذلى Muḥammad [ibn Sulaymān] al-Guzūlī [al-Šād̠̠ilī]
Praying for the Prophet., Illuminations of Makkah and Medhīnah., Illuminated panels and medallions in the margins., Devotional text, Nash̬ī og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 1284-1288]
بو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الرحيم بن سليمان بن ابى الربيع القيسى القرناطى Abū 'Abd Allāh Muḥammad ibn 'Adb al-Raḥīm ibn Sulaymān ibn Abī al-Rabī' al-Qaysī al-Qarnāṭī
The text is partly based on the author's own travels, Geography, Maġribī script og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 341-342]
Catalogue of manuscripts in the Warissiyah library, Naskhi script og Described in: Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts: codices arabici additamenta & codices Simonseniani arabici (Alhaidary & Rasmussen, 1995), p. 42 (English.), p. 138 (Arabic) [Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections (COMDC); vol. 5:1]
محمد بن سليمان الجزولى الشاذلى Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Guzūlī [al-Šād̠̠ilī]
Praying for the Prophet., Illuminations of Makkah and Medhīnah., The text is placed within gold and black multiple frames., Devotional text, Nash̬ī og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 1248-1251]
محمد بن سليمان الجزولى الشاذلى [Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Guzūlī al-Šād̠̠ilī]
Praying for the Prophet., Illuminations of Makkah and Medhīnah., Devotional text, Nash̬ī Nash̬ī Nash̬ī Nash̬ī og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,1 [pp. 33-34 and 99-101]